JUMP TOSkyword Publishing APISkyword Publishing APIauthorsAdd a new author to CMSpostRetrieve a list of authorsgetGet a single author instancegetcontent-typesGet a list of content typesgetGet a single content type instancegetimagesAdd a new image file to CMSpostRetreive a list of image filesgetRetrieve information for image filegetDelete image filedeleteAdd metadata information for an image fileposttagsRetrieves a list of existing tagsgetcategoriesRetrieves a list of existing categoriesgetpostsRetrieves the number of posts fitting the supplied parametersgetCreate a new postpostGet a list of postsgetGet a single post instancegetDelete postdeletetaxonomiesRetreive a list of taxonomiesgetRetrieve a specific taxonomygetRetrieve a list of terms for a given taxonomygetCreate a new taxonomy termpostRetrieve a specific term from a taxonomygetversionGet version informationgetsupportGet server informationgetGet Skyword metadata about TagsgetGet a list of content typesget https://example.com/content-types